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The use of advance technology within the surveillance industry has resulted in creating a platform for higher security and intelligence among the manufacturing firms. The use of deep learning in the process of manufacturing CCTV camera brings a variety of benefits and better classifications for a number of applications. This idea is inspired by the way the human brain works, the technology is able to layer the learned process onto the computer to classify, store and access data when needed, which is referred to as learning. This basically means the computer is able to use the whole image to recognise, rather than rely on separate elements of the image. This sort of technology works perfectly for face recognition and image classifications, making it a valuable assets and a higher competitive advantage in the surveillance industry.
This technology is able to make a difference to every aspect of the surveillance industry from facial recognition, vehicle detection and behaviour analysis. This method of security surveillance creates a change in the pattern security systems works, from being reactive to being proactive as the computer is able to detect a problem even before it happens. The information on the computer enables to system to make the right decisions.

Hikvision has used this technology and innovated a set of advance high tech surveillance products to maximise its use. The Deep In view IP camera range and the Deep In mind NVR range are designed to work together in providing all the power and benefits of Deep learning. The camera would capture the information and the NVR will analyse and store that information. This combined system is able to provide a variety of benefits from recognition, monitoring and counting of people and recognition and detection of vehicles. The deep learning technology used in the camera is able to recognise and countless number of images to ensure the highest security level is upheld.
The process of multi layered approach will have a considerable amount of memory and requires a greater performance to ensure a feasible system in place, however recently with the advancement in technology the problems related to memory and performance has been solved by the world chip makers. Hikvision has partnered with the world largest chipset brands like Intel and nvidia to explore and expand the possibilities of deep learning, to use this technology in the surveillance industry.
The deep learning technology could enable the system to provide a black list/white list alarm, for example, which could come in very handy in a requirement of access control systems. It could also be used to recognise unusual behaviour – possibly allowing security staff to prevent an issue if people are found loitering nearby. Hikvision is working on a premium range of products to further extend the quality and capabilities within the surveillance systems and thereby create an environment which is proactive than reactive. This would improve the level of security in the industry and revolutionise the way security system works for the surveillance market. Hikvision is working towards a safer world with more eyes to see and smarter ways to think.


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